"When there is perfect harmony between body and mind, we
achieve self-realization. Yogic science does not demarcate where the body ends and the mind begins, but approaches both
at a single, integrated entity. The turmoil of daily life
brings stress to the body and the mind. This creates
anxiety, depression, restlessness, and rage. Yoga asanas,
while appearing to deal with the physical body alone,
actually influence the chemical balance in the brain, which
in turn improves one's mental state of being."
~ B. K. S. Iyengar
~ B. K. S. Iyengar
Chakras (Energy
Force Centers)
1. Muladhara (Root Support)
- Base of spine
- Sense of belonging, Surviving
2. Svadhisthana (Sweetness)
- Below Navel
- Emotionality, Sexuality
3. Manipura (Lustrous Jewel)
- Behind Navel
- Power, Self-Esteem, Ego identity
4. Anahata (Unstruck)
- Heart
- Love, Peace, Compassion
5. Vishuddha (Purification)
- Throat
- Communication, Expression
6. Ajna (Perception)
- Space between eyebrows-The Third Eye
- Intuition, Perception
7. Sahasrara (Thousandfold)
- Crown of head
- Oneness, Unity, Knowing
Many Physical Benefits
Letter From Student In 2012
"Yoga does not deepen by
simply adding more and more spectacular postures but
rather by tuning into the workings of relationship
between mind and body and learning how to use yoga
postures as a tool of meditation.
From there we can create an authentic spiritual practice that helps us remove the physical and mental habits that keep us from genuine freedom."
-Michael Stone, at The Centre of Gravity Sangha
Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga is the most popular yoga system practiced in Western culture. It uses the body as a "sacred doorway" through which we focus our awareness and where our inborn potential for well-being is unleashed. While applying specific movement to the body along with involving our breath and mind, we can rejuvenate and re-balance all the bodily systems. Yoga postures when practiced consciously, encourage concentration, inner stillness, perseverance, patience, self-acceptance and self-awareness. Consistent practice can bring clarity to the emotions, anchor feelings on a base of deep relaxation, and help us develop the ability to witness ourselves. In simple words, yoga is described as the means to realization of one's true nature.
Hatha Yoga can be practiced and enjoyed by absolutely anyone. It intends to serve as a universal instrument to allow awareness and wholeness of body, mind and spirit.
To read more in depth about the purpose of Yoga: Click Here